The Need for Finance
Businesses need money for one or more of the following reasons:
- To put the basic infrastructure in place.
- To get the trading activities of the business moving.
- Acquiring capital equipment.
- Purchasing inputs.
- Carrying out marketing activities.
- Paying staff.
Sources of Finance
There are several sources of financing that are available to entrepreneurs. These include:
i. Personal Savings: Assets which can be used as leverage in securing other funds.
ii. Friends and relatives: This is often called 'love money'.
iii. Banks: Commercial and Development.
iv. Credit Unions.
v. Partners:
- Silent Partners: Own a percentage of the business but do not play an active role in the day-to-day operations. You are able to maintain control over your business.
- Active Partners: Play a role in the business.
vi. Investors.
vii. Suppliers.
viii. Potential Customers.
ix. Government Special Programmes.
Lending Criteria - The Four C's
i. Character: The financial institution assesses you and the business' past financial history and credit rating.
ii. Capacity: The lending agency determines if the business is capable of making projected profits and marketing its products, has a healthy cash flow, and realistic projections.
iii. Conditions: General economic conditions.
iv. Collateral: Security against the amount of money that is borrowed. It can take the form of the business' or owner's assets.
When Borrowing from Friends and Relatives: Some Basic Guidelines
- Identify the right person to borrow from.
- Avoid taking money from persons with ulterior motives.
- Put the agreement in writing.
- Treat all friends and family members as business associates.
- If necessary, choose a legal structure that would prevent them from interfering in the day-to-day operations of the business.
- State how much money you need to borrow, what you will be using the money for, and how and when you will repay the loan.
- Show how much you anticipate the loan will make and what they can expect to receive once the business gets going.
- Do not accept more than a reasonable percentage (about 1%) of your friend's or relative's savings.
Borrowing from Financial Institutions: You Should Know That...
- You must have a well-developed, detailed business plan.
- You will need to have collateral.
- You should have equity of about 20%-25% of the amount you want to borrow.
- You will have to pay interest.
- Long-term credit at reasonable rates of interest may not be available.
- The institutions want to know that you:
- Are in the habit of saving on a regular basis.
- Have a sound credit history.
- Application procedures may be cumbersome and present difficulties for someone with limited literacy skills.
Financing Do's and Don'ts
- Don't borrow more than you NEED.
- Don't overestimate your borrowing potential.
- Don't overlook available financing.
- Don't underestimate the financial risks associated with your business.
- Don't neglect to manage the relationship with your lenders.
- Do forecast the cash needs of your business and yourself.
- Do know the reputation of investors before you accept their money.
- Do your loan application when you have time.
- Do learn how to manage the finances of your business.
- Do pay back money that you borrow from friends, relatives, and financial institutions.